
Collector for the UN Human Development Report Office (HDRO) API

Collector for the UN Human Development Report Office (HDRO) API

Collector for the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) API

Collector for the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) API

ACLED Realtime Data Collector

ACLED Realtime Data Collector

A Python data collector Cookiecutter

A Python data collector Cookiecutter

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

Service to proxy csv and excel files on HDX

Service to proxy csv and excel files on HDX

Materials for the DevCraft workshop on stream processing

Materials for the DevCraft workshop on stream processing

A Python library for interacting with CKAN instances

A Python library for interacting with CKAN instances