
A Python library for interacting with CKAN instances

A Python library for interacting with CKAN instances

rikoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes

A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes

csv2ofxPython 🏆★ Star

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

pygogoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python logging library with super powers

A Python logging library with super powers

ongezaPython 🏆★ Star

An automated way to follow the Semantic Versioning Specification

An automated way to follow the Semantic Versioning Specification

a Flask powered script that automatically generates html proposals from yaml data files

a Flask powered script that automatically generates html proposals from yaml data files

ckannyPython 🏆★ Star

A Python command line interface (CLI) for interacting with CKAN instances

A Python command line interface (CLI) for interacting with CKAN instances

World Bank Climate Change Data Collector

World Bank Climate Change Data Collector

UNDP Climate Change Data Collector

UNDP Climate Change Data Collector

todomvc-mithrilCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

TodoMVC app using Mithril.js with CoffeeScript and Brunch

TodoMVC app using Mithril.js with CoffeeScript and Brunch

akiliCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

Choropleth Visualizer (visualization training app)

Choropleth Visualizer (visualization training app)

akiliCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

Choropleth Visualizer (visualization training app)

Choropleth Visualizer (visualization training app)