
Days in Dar

Last week I concluded my trip to Dar es Salaam with Philemon for the CNFA Agrodealers Convention. Wanting to make the most out of my time there, I arrived a few days early so that I could meet with some organizations headquartered there. I arrived late Wed…

todomvc-mithrilCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

TodoMVC app using Mithril.js with CoffeeScript and Brunch

TodoMVC app using Mithril.js with CoffeeScript and Brunch

LambdaConf "A Functional Programming Approach To Data Processing In Python" tutorial materials

LambdaConf "A Functional Programming Approach To Data Processing In Python" tutorial materials

code for "Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis" PyCon '17 tutorial

code for "Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis" PyCon '17 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial