
A developer protégé guidebook

A developer protégé guidebook

code for "Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis" PyCon '17 tutorial

code for "Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis" PyCon '17 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

rikoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes

A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes

csv2ofxPython 🏆★ Star

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

mezaPython 🏆★ Star
pygogoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python logging library with super powers

A Python logging library with super powers

ongezaPython 🏆★ Star

An automated way to follow the Semantic Versioning Specification

An automated way to follow the Semantic Versioning Specification

RESTful API for prometheus (stock portfolio allocation & analysis)

RESTful API for prometheus (stock portfolio allocation & analysis)

RESTful API for prometheus (stock portfolio allocation & analysis)

RESTful API for prometheus (stock portfolio allocation & analysis)

RESTful API for searching eBay sites

RESTful API for searching eBay sites

ckannyPython 🏆★ Star

A Python command line interface (CLI) for interacting with CKAN instances

A Python command line interface (CLI) for interacting with CKAN instances