
LambdaConf "A Functional Programming Approach To Data Processing In Python" tutorial materials

LambdaConf "A Functional Programming Approach To Data Processing In Python" tutorial materials

code for "Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis" PyCon '17 tutorial

code for "Using Functional Programming for efficient Data Processing and Analysis" PyCon '17 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

Jupyter notebooks and data for "Data Mining and Processing for fun and profit" PyConZA16 tutorial

Materials for the DevCraft workshop on stream processing

Materials for the DevCraft workshop on stream processing

todomvc-mithrilCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

TodoMVC app using Mithril.js with CoffeeScript and Brunch

TodoMVC app using Mithril.js with CoffeeScript and Brunch

Flask service to query the age and status of an HDX resource

Flask service to query the age and status of an HDX resource

A developer protégé guidebook

A developer protégé guidebook

csv2ofxPython 🏆★ Star

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files