
El Niño visualization for Red Cross Kenya

El Niño visualization for Red Cross Kenya

tophubbersCoffeeScript★ Star

Web app to view Github users with the most followers

Web app to view Github users with the most followers

gh-viewerCoffeeScript★ Star

Web app that displays information about github users and their followers

Web app that displays information about github users and their followers

rikoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes

A Python stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes

csv2ofxPython 🏆★ Star

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

A Python library and command line tool for converting csv to ofx and qif files

mezaPython 🏆★ Star
pygogoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python logging library with super powers

A Python logging library with super powers

A Python packaging utility library

A Python packaging utility library

ScraperWiki box utility library

ScraperWiki box utility library

Chapinjs helper utilities

Chapinjs helper utilities

A Python library for interacting with CKAN instances

A Python library for interacting with CKAN instances

pygogoPython 🏆★ Star

A Python logging library with super powers

A Python logging library with super powers