tagged chaplin

akiliCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

Choropleth Visualizer (visualization training app)

Choropleth Visualizer (visualization training app)

4w-visualizerCoffeeScript 🏆★ Star

La Niña Consortium Emergency Interventions app (4W)

La Niña Consortium Emergency Interventions app (4W)

Automatically generates a project portfolio via github and flickr APIs

Automatically generates a project portfolio via github and flickr APIs

The webapp that helps freelance developers and designers find, price, and win projects.

The webapp that helps freelance developers and designers find, price, and win projects.

Chapinjs helper utilities

Chapinjs helper utilities

tophubbersCoffeeScript★ Star

Web app to view Github users with the most followers

Web app to view Github users with the most followers

gh-viewerCoffeeScript★ Star

Web app that displays information about github users and their followers

Web app that displays information about github users and their followers